
Welcome to Garelochhead Church, we are in the village of Garelochhead which lies at the head of the Gareloch.
Our Sunday services alternate with the other two churches either at 9:45am or 11:15am, in 2024 our services are at 11.15am.


General Intimations


Garelochhead Intimations

Please let Rev Christine know of anyone who is ill at home or in hospital. Please do not assume she already knows. Thank you.

SAFEGUARDING: If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to your Safeguarding Co-ordinator Claire Appelquist or a member of the Ministry Team.






A Brief History

The site of Garelochhead, identified in a 16th century map as ‘Kinloch Gherr’ was part of the Parish of Rosneath until 1643 – 1648 when the new Parish of Row (Rhu) was created and the boundary between the two Parishes passed through the middle of what was, at that time, a very small settlement.

By the early part of the 19th century, the population had increased substantially and the minister of Rhu Church commenced holding evening services in Garelochhead school. The current church building was erected in 1838 (for a cost of £1,000) and was used as a ‘preaching station’ until 1873 when the Parish of Garelochhead was created from the conjoined Northern parts of the Parishes of Rosneath and Rhu.

In 2014 the Parish of Garelochhead became part of a triple linkage with Craigrownie and Rosneath: St Modan’s Parish Churches which means that whilst all three places of worship continue to exist as separate parish churches with weekly Sunday services, they will share a ministry team. In Garelochhead Church, the Minister is assisted by Elders, who have been nominated by the Kirk Session to the duty of oversight of a specific District in the Parish, and have the privilege of visiting parishioners in their homes when appropriate.

Service Arrangements

A Praise Group leads our musical worship which includes hymns and songs from long ago and today, from a variety of musical sources and traditions. Children are welcome in our Church. Young children can leave the service for their own age appropriate activities. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month and is open to all Christians, whatever their tradition. Special services for Holy week are shared with our sister Churches in the linkage.

Ecumenical Services, such as during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the World Day of Prayer and our annual Holiday Club Celebration, are also shared with our friends from St Gildas’ Roman Catholic Church.


Young Children

Jesus enjoyed being surrounded by children, so do we. Therefore, please bring them with you. Baptisms are arranged directly with the Ministers. We have an active Sunday School for children between 1 to 14/15 years of age. Children leave Sunday morning service after the Offering Prayer and gather together, in appropriate age groups, for singing, bible stories and crafts.


The Church is organised in the traditional Presbyterian manner. There is a Kirk Session which looks after the spiritual and welfare activities of the Church and a Congregational Board which is responsible for fabric and finance. There is an annual meeting in the Spring, when the whole congregation is invited to listen and question. The parish is divided into a number of districts, each with its own elder who tries to keep in touch with all who welcome a visit.

During the Week

There are a variety of events during the week. Please see our calendar for the most up to date activities.. Activities include:


Lunch Club in Church Hall 1200 This club open to all A hot meal is served at very reasonable cost. Please come along and you will be made very welcome.
Heart for Art on Alternate Mondays 1300 The Heart for Art project, run by CrossReach, the Church of Scotland, social care department, is designed to promote creativity, self-worth and achievement. The benefits of active life-long learning, acting with purpose and the concentration on creative tasks has been visible. The project enables people with dementia and their carers, to build supportive relationships and to access support and advice from CrossReach staff.


Daytime House Group 10.00am
For more information please see our weekly information sheet.
Evening House Group 7.30pm
For more information please see our weekly information sheet.


Prayer Meeting 9.30am in the Reid Reed
Coffee Morning 10.00am – 11.30am
Evening House Group 7.30pm
For more information please see our weekly information sheet.
Route 81 Youth Club at Centre 81 (tel: 01436 810307)
Route 81 serves the community and operates from Centre 81, Old School Road, Garelochhead (turn right out of the Church gate and it’s a short way down on the left hand side). Young people aged 11 to 18 meet here each Wednesday and Friday at ‘The Hub’ which offers a café, pool table, games and Sky sports just to name a few. For more information please contact Centre 81 (tel: 01436 810307).



Evening House Group 8.00pm
For more information please see our weekly information sheet.
Scope 5.30pm – 7.00pm
This weekly club is for children is Primary 2 to 7 children meets each week in term time between September until the Easter holidays. It is held in the Old Hall on Thursdays from 5.30 – 7.00pm. There is a variable programme which usually includes arts and crafts, sports and games, but a short time is always set aside for the Christian message, based either on a bible story or appropriate DVD.
Men’s Fellowship 7.00pm (Monthly)
This meeting is held in the New Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday evenings. The programme is varied, sometimes including a speaker and sometimes involving Bible study and discussion, but always fun and fellowship.


Women’s Aroma Group (monthly) 7.30pm
The Women’s Aroma Group is held in the New Hall, affording opportunity for Church and non-Church women alike to meet together in friendship. Most meetings have a focus of interest such as a DVD or a speaker and refreshment time provides opportunity to share news, views and experiences.
Route 81 Youth Club at Centre 81 (tel: 01436 810307)
House Groups Church members open their homes for an hour or two each week to all who seek a deeper understanding of the Christian Faith. Details available on the weekly intimation sheet. For more information please see our weekly information sheet. Social Events A committee exists to raise funds for the Church and charities, to enhance community spirit, and to enable outreach to the wide community. For more information please see our weekly information sheet.



Christine Murdoch
The Manse, Argyll Road,
Kilcreggan, G84 0JW
Phone: 01436 842274