On the second Sunday in Advent, we explore how the prophets prepare the way for people to turn towards God
and look at the loving plan of salvation that God has prepared for all people, including you and me.

You can be assured of a warm welcome at Craigrownie at 09.45, Garelochhead and St Modan’s at 11.15.






You are welcome to join with us in worship:
Craigrownie 09.45am
Garelochhead 11.15am
Rosneath: St Modan’s 11.15am

What's on Craigrownie

What's On at Rosneath St Modan's

What's On Garelochhead


Info on...

More information about baptisms, weddings and funerals






Christine Murdoch
The Manse, Argyll Road,
Kilcreggan, G84 0JW
Phone: 01436 842274