Rosneath St. Modan’s
Welcome to St. Modan’s Church. Our services in 2024 are at 11.15am.
Rosneath: St Modan's Intimations
Please let Rev Christine know of anyone who is ill at home or in hospital. Please do not assume she already knows. Thank you.
SAFEGUARDING: If you suspect or witness harm or abuse, or it is reported to you, you must immediately report it to our Safeguarding Co-ordinator David Jamieson or a member of the Ministry team.
General Intimations

There has been a church in Rosneath since before the 12th century. The following text is from Dr John Trotter’s Short Guide to St Modan’s Church, Rosneath. The old ruin is made up of the remains of three churches. St Modan’s original church was made of wattle and mud, and of this nothing remains. The well or spring which he used is on the north bank of the Clachan burn, a few hundred yards upstream from the old church. Of the second church, built in the twelfth century, only part of the crypt is left. The entrance has now been closed by three concrete slabs to the south west of the old ruin. Below these slabs there is a flight of stone steps, at the bottom of which is an iron gate. This crypt was last used in 1897, when Lady Elizabeth Clough Taylor of Camsail House, daughter of George, 8th Duke of Argyll, was interred there. The coffin was engraved – ‘Lady Elizabeth Clough Taylor’ – died 24th September 1897. – Until the Day Dawns’. A number of the other members of the Argyll family were exhumed and were re-rinterred there at the same time. Of the third church, built in the 16th century, all that remains is the gable end with the ornate belfry. This church was cruciform in shape and was replaced in 1770 by the fourth church which was rectangular in shape and incorporated the gable end and belfry of the old 16th century church. On this gable end can be seen the marks of the old “Duke’s” gallery. This church was plain and austere, and when the Duke of Argyll saw it, he called it ‘the Barn’.

The fifth church, the present one, was – according to the Session Minutes – built across the road from the fourth church in 1853 and was one of the first churches after the Reformation to be beautified by the fitting of stained glass windows and wood carving. The South transept was added in 1862, the North transept in 1873. The present Manse had already replaced the old one across the road from the gate leading to the graveyard in 1838. There is a stone in the garden wall on the road side of Finnart House, Loch Long, recording the building of this road by the Duke of Argyll, connecting his castle at Rosneath with his castle at Inverary. It probably passed up the Lochans across the lawn of the present manse, where the marks can still be seen, then between the old churchyard and the old Manse, crossing the Clachan Burn, down the Yew Tree Avenue*, where some of the old trees can still be seen, to the Clachan House, which stood where the present school stands. It then followed the back road in Clynder between the top houses at Hattonburn and McGruer’s Yard**. It then followed the line of farm houses halfway up the hill to join the present road near Dalandhui, where, until the recent widening, the remains of the old road could be seen coming down through the trees. This seems the most natural route for a road, leaving the more level ground for agricultural purposes and so not interfering with crops when driving cattle and sheep to market. The present church built in 1853, was one of the first churches after the Reformation to be beautified by the fitting of stained glass windows and wood carving. The South transept was added in 1862, the North transept in 1873. *Now Howie Park **Now The Soundings
Service Arrangements
We currently use the 4th edition of the “Church Hymnary” and "Songs of God’s People". Most pews have a bible. There is a choir where new voices are welcomed. Children are welcome in our Church. Young children start the service with their own activities in the Hall and join with us during the Offering so that we end our service all together. Communion is celebrated at least four times a year and is open to all people whatever their tradition. Special services for Holy week are shared with our sister Churches in the linkage. Ecumenical Services, such as during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the World Day of Prayer and our annual Holiday Club Celebration, are also shared with our friends from St Gildas’ Roman Catholic Church.
Young Children
Jesus enjoyed being surrounded by children, so do we. Therefore, please bring them with you. Baptisms are arranged directly with the Minister. We have an active Sunday School for children between 1 to 14/15 years of age. Children leave Sunday morning service after the Offering Prayer and gather together, in appropriate age groups, for singing, bible stories and crafts.
During the Week
There is the traditional Church of Scotland Guild open to all, held on alternate Wednesday afternoons at 2:30 in the Meeting Room. When required, discussion groups are held for those wishing to explore membership and Bible Study is held every other week. There is a weekly Coffee Morning in the Hall on Tuesdays from 10.30 to 11.30. This provides us with a chance to welcome our neighbours and to catch up with one another. All are welcome.
Social Events
A committee exists to raise funds for the Church and charities, to enhance community spirit, and to enable outreach to the wide community. We wish to extend a very warm welcome to you and look forward to meeting you at our services and functions.